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July Yard of the Month & Open Board Positions

The Memorial Thicket Homeowner's Association Board is currently seeking neighbors to fill open board positions. If you are interested, please contact Meghan Lee at or 281.250.5524.

Yard of the month belongs to Jean and Bob Batten. Jean has been a gardener for many years and always has an impeccable yard and garden. Bob stated he contributes muscle for big tasks but I believe the Japanese maple is his special project. They did admit the past few years have been especially hard work due to having to replace many plants several times. Jean has a row of mixed foundation plants in various shades of green and burgundy with a crepe myrtle to balance the maple on the other side of the driveway. There is a border of mondo grass and infill of begonias for color. Over all it reflects a serene tone in this shaded garden.

The garden extends around the house, providing an overview of the bayou and ravine below. There is also an area of the garden in full sun with easy chairs and planters with more color. Congratulations to the Battens on their wonderful design and execution of the garden.

Meghan Lee President - MTHA 15411 Old Stone Trail 281.250.5524

July 18, 2023


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