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2025 Yard of the Month
Memorial Thicket February 2025 Yard of the Month.jpg

February YOM

The February Yard of the Month is 706 Windbreak Trail.  The Ruiz home has neatly manicured beds that completely surround the front of the home and are filled with freshly planted pansies and dusty miller, with a backdrop of neatly trimmed evergreen shrubs.  The side yard contains a row of neatly planted junipers that provide a natural privacy barrier.  Two crepe myrtles, one in each side of the front yard, will be busting with color in a few months.   Two large magnolias, one on each corner of the front of the home, add a year-around appeal with their glossy leaves.  The well-maintained lawn, with a mix of winter rye, is lush and another reason to see this beautiful landscaping nestled in the cul-de-sac.

January YOM

The January Yard of the Month is 838 Plainwood. The Robinson home is neatly adorned with decorative grass, asparagus fern, irises and recently planted snapdragons lining the sidewalk to the front entrance of the home. The angled bed at the front of the drive, outlined in limestone blocks, is very appealing and filled with an abundance of miniature roses and more snapdragons adding additional beautiful color. The beds aligning the front of the home are well maintained with various shrubs, assorted bulbs, and a large tractor seat plant with daisy-like yellow clusters in full bloom. The various trees and well-maintained yard add a great accent and complement the home beautifully.

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