Special Election for Our Councilmember
From Representative Jim Murphy: "A very important municipal election is taking place right now. The Special Election for Houston City Council District G impacts a huge number of West Houstonians. The members of City Council are your representatives who make decisions affecting local taxes, police, fire, and EMS, sanitation services, traffic and street maintenance, and a whole host of other issues. It is imperative that you make you voice heard in this arena. There are 5 candidates running to succeed Greg Travis for District G. This e-newsletter provides links to info about each of them. I am not endorsing a candidate for this race, but I think that with a few minutes of your time, you can identify the candidate who best fits your view for the City of Houston going forward. Thank you for taking the time to perform your civic duty. Early voting runs now through Friday, January 21st." Election Hours of Operation 2022 Special Election City of Houston, District G Early Voting Now thru January 21 Monday, January 10 - Saturday, January 15, 7 AM – 7 PM Sunday, January 16, 12 PM - 7 PM Monday, January 17: MLK Day - NO VOTING Tuesday, January 18 - Wednesday, January 19, 7 AM to 7 PM Thursday, January 20, 7 AM - 10 PM Friday, January 21, 7 AM - 7 PM Election Day Tuesday, January 25, 7 AM to 7 PM
SAMPLE BALLOT These are the five candidates on the ballot:

Mary Nan Huffman
Attorney Campaign Website www.MaryNanHuffman.com Campaign Facebook facebook.com/MaryNanHuffman Campaign Email info@MaryNanHuffman.com Campaign Phone (713) 487-9889 Campaign Address 1 E Greenway Plz, Ste 225 Houston, TX 77046
Piper Madland
Community Organizer Campaign Website www.pipermadland.com Campaign Facebook facebook.com/PiperForDistrictG Campaign Email piper@pipermadland.com Campaign Phone (713) 469-1785 Campaign Address PO Box 22081 Houston, TX 77227
Raul "Roy" Reyes
Retired Houston Assistant Fire Chief Campaign Website raulreyesforhoustondistrictg.com Campaign Facebook facebook.com/royreyesfordistrictg Campaign Email raulreyes05@att.net Campaign Phone (281) 451-9700 Campaign Address 1609 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S. Houston, TX 77042
D. Duke Millard
Attorney Campaign Website http://www.dukefordistrictg.com Campaign Facebook facebook.com/DukeForDistrictG Campaign Email duke@dukefordistrictg.com Campaign Phone (713) 492-0344 Campaign Address 5161 San Felipe Suite 320-213 Houston, TX 77056
Houshang "Hank" Taghizadeh
Occupation - N/A Campaign Website - N/A Campaign Facebook - N/A Campaign Email - N/A Campaign Phone - N/A Campaign Address - N/A
Looking for some insight on District G? Click here for map and demographic information about our community.

Buffalo Bayou Study Update
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District (USACE), and the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) announced in December a new path forward for the Buffalo Bayou and Tributaries Resiliency Study. Following the release of an Interim Report in October 2020, substantial public comment, and extensive coordination between USACE and HCFCD, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works has approved a schedule extension and budget increase for the study. Additional federal funds, in the amount of $1.8M, paired with engineering technical services to be provided by HCFCD using $3.367M in funds from Harris County Commissioner Precincts 3&4, will allow for further study of alternatives, particularly development of a tunnel alternative for consideration in the study. With this additional work, a Draft Report is scheduled to be released in the Fall of 2022, and study conclusion in December of 2023.

City Construction Project Virtual Meeting
Public Meeting Notice: Park Ten Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Abandonment and Flow Diversion to Turkey Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Project Title: Park Ten Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Abandonment and Flow Diversion to Turkey Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Project Number: R-000536-0019 Construction Timeline: Spring 2022 - Spring 2023 Project Scope: Abandonment of the Park Ten Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and construction of gravity sewer and force main and pump upgrades at Park Row Regional Lift Station and North Eldridge Lift Station. Meeting Notifications: The link to the public meeting is available on the Engage Houston website. Any questions and/or comments prior to the meeting can be emailed to buildforward@houstontx.gov

The 18-month wastewater line construction project will impact traffic patterns, including drive time and weekend traffic, in the Energy Corridor District.
The phased construction project is expected to begin in February. The project is designed to decommission the Park Ten Wastewater Treatment Plant and convey flow to the Turkey Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
If you cannot attend the meeting, please email Energy Corridor District staffers Ramit Masti at rmasti@energycorridor.org and Emily Kelly at ekelly@energycorridor.org.
January 17, 2022
Greg Sergesketter Director 815 Elk Run Circle 713.234.0604