Security Newsletter June 2024
Welcome to the June edition of the Memorial Thicket℠ Security Newsletter.
Please add the Memorial Thicket℠ Security cellphone number to your contacts: (713) 501-5406. If you need assistance or suspect suspicious activity, please call them immediately.
Memorial Thicket continues to maintain an A+ crime grade compared to a C+ for the total 77079 zip code area. The information contained below is the April 2024 monthly breakdown of offenses for which HPD wrote police reports for zip code 77079. This report includes both incidents and arrests. Of the 79 offenses, none were recorded within Memorial Thicket.

As a reminder, the Snicket Gate code was changed on May 18th . Please contact the guards at the number above to obtain the new code. Please do not share the gate code on any social media platform.
Each home must be equipped with a working central and local burglar, fire and emergency alarm system and connected to the master alarm system serving Memorial Thicket. While you have several options for home monitoring services, should you elect to choose Smith Thompson, the charge for the Smith Thompson monitoring of your alarm system is included in your Homeowner Annual Assessment. The homeowner will be responsible, regardless of who they choose to monitor their home system, for the connection to the master alarm system and any repairs, service calls, and upgrades to the home system. It is highly advisable to instruct your home monitoring company to call the Memorial Thicket Guardhouse at (713) 501-5406 FIRST (as first responder) before they call other emergency personnel. The Memorial Thicket Security Officer will be able to respond much quicker and determine the severity of the alarm, if the public is in danger, or if there is a false alarm and the dispatch of Houston Fire or Houston Police can be cancelled. If emergency vehicles/personnel enter Memorial Thicket, the Security Officer will follow to access the situation and discuss with the resident.
With school out for the summer, please be aware of an increased presence of children out during the day. You should continue to observe the speed limit signs posted on the street and make sure that you come to a complete stop at each intersection. Be courteous and yield the right of way to the residents walking, jogging, or retrieving objects from the street. Please also remember that it is against the Houston City Ordinance to park cars, trucks, boats, trailers, etc., on city streets for longer than 24 hours. This will help to eliminate any situations where a resident or visitor could dart out from behind a parked vehicle and not be seen in time. Thanks for your cooperation.
Over the past three weeks, we have had several instances of someone knocking on residents’ doors late at night. When residents come to the door, no one is there. Please do not open the door to anybody you do not recognize, keep your doors locked, and keep your ringer active. If you are able to capture an image, we can post it via communication channels for identification and hopefully resolve this annoying situation immediately. Thanks for being observant and please call the Guardhouse immediately if this occurs to you.
Jerry Fabian
Vice President of Security
802 Spear Point Cove
June 7, 2024