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Memorial Thicket May Security Newsletter

Security Newsletter May 2024

Welcome to the May edition of the Memorial Thicket℠ Security Newsletter.


Please add the Memorial Thicket℠ Security cellphone number to your contacts: (713) 501-5406. If you need assistance or suspect suspicious activity, please call them immediately.

Memorial Thicket℠ continues to be peaceful and quiet and has above average safety from crime. With a population approximating 38,000 in the 77079 area, our neighborhood continues to maintain an A+ crime grade compared to a C+ for the total 77079 zip code area. The information contained below is the March 2024 monthly breakdown of offenses for which HPD wrote police reports for zip code 77079. This report includes both incidents and arrests. Of the 150 offenses, none were recorded within Memorial Thicket℠.


Due to the discovery of the security gate code on social media, the code will be changed effective May 18th. Please contact the guards at the number above to obtain the new code. Please do not share the gate code on any social media platform.


As you have previously read, Memorial Thicket℠ does not have streetlights and each residence is required to maintain a front yard post lamp equipped with a photoelectric cell (if the lamp is electrical) for general lighting during period of darkness per homeowner association policy. Each week, the guards provide a listing of lamp post violations and will leave a notice in your mailbox to inform you of noncompliance should the lamp post not be working. Starting with this newsletter, after five continuous weeks of noncompliance, the guards and MTHA VP of Security will make a personal visit to your home to address the issue. This will allow you at least four weeks from your initial notice to correct the issue. If you plan to replace or make improvements (other than bulb changes) to your outdoor lighting, please remember that no changes shall be commenced unless appropriate documentation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. Your cooperation is appreciated.


Memorial Thicket Homeowners Association, Inc. urges all residents who do not want solicitors and other uninvited persons on their property, at their doors, or littering their yards to complete the NO SOLICITORS’ AUTHORIZATION FORM that can be obtained from the Guard House.

Although the guards can do little to prevent solicitors and other uninvited persons from entering Memorial Thicket℠, they can stop them from being on your private property if you have a form on file. The form can also serve as an effective crime prevention tool in proactively stopping those who try to use this type of opportunity to further criminal action such as burglary, robbery, and assault. Thank you for your cooperation.


If your vehicle(s) does not have a Memorial Thicket℠ sticker, please stop by the Guard House to obtain and place it on your windshield. These stickers help the guards to identify vehicles that may not belong in the community. Your prompt attention is appreciated!

Jerry Fabian

Vice President of Security

802 Spear Point Cove


May 10, 2024


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