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Memorial Thicket September Security Newsletter

Security Newsletter September 2024


Please add the Memorial Thicket Security cellphone number to your contacts: (713) 501-5406. When the officer is not at the security post, he is patrolling the subdivision. While on patrol, he is in cellphone contact with central dispatch at all times. Whenever you see anything suspicious or have a problem relating to security, please call (713) 501-5406 (cellular) immediately.


Memorial Thicket continues to maintain an A+ crime grade compared to a C+ for the total 77079 zip code area. The information contained below is the July 2024 monthly breakdown of offenses for which HPD wrote police reports for zip code 77079. This report includes both incidents and arrests. Of the 147 offenses in July, 0 were recorded within Memorial Thicket. 


Do not forget to mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 1 from 6p-8p as we celebrate National Night Out. The event will be held on the front lot east of the guardhouse. The Boy Scouts, County Commissioners, and the neighborhood guards have all been invited to take part. We will have a flag presentation and remarks from our guest speakers. Sliced pizza and snow cones will be served and provided by the MTHA and MTSA. Please stop by, enjoy a bite to eat, and meet some of your friendly neighbors! This is an excellent opportunity for you to make it a point to get familiar with the people who live around you. This makes suspicious activity easier to spot and identifies opportunities to align with individuals on safety.



While we have had both positive and negative comments regarding our recent surveillance of vehicles parked in the street in excess of twenty-four hours, I did want to reiterate that all of the streets within Memorial Thicket℠ are public streets maintained by the City of Houston. Therefore, City Ordinance 26-93 is in effect and a vehicle cannot legally park on a public street for more than 24 hours at one time. This monitoring helps to reduce neighborhood blight and identify stolen vehicles. If you have family or friends visiting for a while, please notify the guards so they can recognize the extra vehicles. Thanks for your cooperation.



As we approach the upcoming elections and the holidays, door-to-door solicitation may increase in the neighborhood. Texas Law states that solicitation is permitted between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekdays, but on weekends, the hours are limited to 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. This ensures that residents have a peaceful start to their day and can enjoy uninterrupted evenings with their families. Memorial Thicket℠  Homeowners Association, Inc. urges all residents who do not want solicitors and other uninvited persons on their property, at their doors, or littering their yards to complete the NO SOLICITORS AUTHORIZATION FORM, available on the website, and return it to the Guard House at 702 Plainwood Drive. Our Security Guards can do little to prevent solicitors and other uninvited persons from entering Memorial Thicket℠  but they can stop them from being on your private property by enforcing your NO SOLICITORS AUTHORIZATION. By having each Memorial Thicket℠ resident’s NO SOLICITORS AUTHORIZATION FORM on file at our Security Post, our Security Guards will be better able to discourage these persons. This is also an effective crime prevention tool in proactively stopping those who try to use this type of opportunity to further criminal action such as burglary, robbery, and assault.

Jerry Fabian

Vice President of Security

802 Spear Point Cove


September 16, 2024

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