MTWA Update
Dear Memorial Thicket Women’s Association Members, Friends, and Neighbors, It’s been a long time since you’ve heard from the Memorial Thicket Women’s Association, I know. We’re still here, but unfortunately due to local, state, and CDC guidelines, we haven’t been able to meet for our usual MTWA-sponsored social events. And it looks like the current situation isn’t going to get better in the near future. With that being said, the Board of MTWA has decided to cancel the rest of our activities for the remainder of 2020: Christmas caroling, Christmas Ladies’ Luncheon, and most regrettably, the Christmas Walk. We are saddened to do this, but we are mindful of everyone’s health and safety. We will meet again after January 1, 2021, to assess our options for the coming year. In other more positive news, we’re not going to collect MTWA dues for 2021 from those of you who paid dues for 2020. Additionally, MTWA is assuming the financial responsibilities of vet care and food for our guardhouse mascot Code 3. Again, we thank you for your support for the Memorial Thicket Women’s Association and look forward to resuming our activities with you in 2021. Thank you again for your support, Memorial Thicket Women’s Association Board of Directors Pat Hicks, President