MTHA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting
When: Wednesday January 13, 2021 at 7:00 pm. Where: Greg Sergesketter's home - 815 Elk Run Circle (via video-conferencing due to COVID-19 restrictions) Agenda:
November Minutes Approval
Old Business
Continued discussions re problematic MT properties
Review of security camera system proposals
Election of Officers
Security Incidents Review
Director and Officer Reports
MT directory
Next Meeting
Annual Assessment
The 2021 annual assessment of $1,800 was due January 1, 2021 with a grace period until January 31, 2021. If the payment for your lot is not received (received, not mailed) by the end of the month, a $25 administration fee will be added for each month in which your payment is not received. Your payment may be given to the guard on duty or mailed to our MTHA address at 702 Plainwood, Houston, TX 77079. If you have questions regarding the payment, please contact the MTHA Treasurer, Greg Sergesketter, at the number listed above.
Greg Sergesketter
815 Elk Run Circle