The complaint we receive the most is that of speeding. We would like to remind you to be conscientious of your speed when driving in the neighborhood. We have many children playing and biking in the neighborhood. In addition, we have many residents walking throughout the neighborhood. If you witness excessive speed, please ask the motorist to slow down or notify the guards, who will make that request for you.
As a reminder, please close the Snicket Gate after passing through it. It should close itself, but does not always do so. The gate is there for our convenience, but is also a security feature. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Operational lamp post lights are a requirement for the neighborhood. This requirement was instituted long ago as a security feature, as Memorial Thicket does not have street lights. Please ensure that your lamp posts are lighted during the nighttime hours. We currently are sending out over 25 lamp post violation notifications on a weekly basis. Remember, this is an important safety feature in our neighborhood.
Annual Assessments
The Memorial Thicket 2019 Assessment Fee of $1,800 was due by January 31, 2019. If you have not yet paid, the amount now due is $1,825 if received by February 28th. Payments received after that date incur an additional assessment of $25 for each month. Payments can be sent to 702 Plainwood, Houston, Texas 77079.
Our assessments are used in a variety of ways to keep Memorial Thicket clean, attractive and secure. Our largest expenditure each year is for our security service. These monies are needed to keep our properties and belongings safe. Please make an effort to pay your assessment as soon as possible.
Residents' Convenience and Security
The guards have “Out of Town Notices”, which can be used by residents as an additional level of security and comfort. If you are leaving town, please fill out one of these sheets and leave with the guards. In addition, you may include emergency contact information on these sheets.
Home Alarm Systems
As mandated by Article IV, Section 2 of our DCCRs, "Each Living Unit shall be equipped, at Owner's sole expense, with a central and local burglar, fire and emergency alarm system. Said alarm system shall be connected to the master alarm system serving Memorial Thicket, Section One."
Our contracted monitoring company is Smith Thompson Home Security. The costs for monitoring will be billed directly to MTHA. If you would like to use Smith Thompson as your monitoring company, you may contact them by calling customer service at 713.492.1064 or 888.888.1695, or you may access their website.
When you call Smith Thompson, tell them you live in Memorial Thicket. This will allow them to add you to the billing for MTHA. In addition, please notify David Myres at as we need to know which homes should be on our monthly billing statement.
If you would like to use Smith Thompson for the hardware portion of your system, they have agreed to the following:
Transmitter free, normally $89.00 Hardware 15% discount Installation 15% discount Monitoring paid by MTHA Smartphone Access $6.99/month, billed to homeowner
Should you decide to use Smith Thompson, you may order service from the sales department. The sales department cannot know exactly what hardware you want or need in your home, although they can tell you the component prices. The inspection and recommendations will be done by a qualified technician onsite. These technicians have all equipment available upon arrival at your home and will complete installation that day.
The system is an RF (radio frequency) wireless system. However, if you have a hardwired system now and you feel it is functioning effectively, Smith Thompson can use the hardwired system, if you wish, with their modifications. Smith Thompson will not be responsible for any failures of the hardwired system, but only its modifications thereof.
For security alarm permits, please contact the City of Houston at 713-581-7410. Or, go to its burglar alarm website at
If you see suspicious activity, please contact the guards. They are here for our safety.
Residents' Contact Sheets and Directory
The guards keep a book with the sheet that residents complete so that in case of an emergency, critical time is not lost in trying to make contact. We are in the final stages of completing our Residents Directory for 2019, which is the other use of the sheet. So we would appreciate everyone filling out a new one if you have not done so post-Harvey and ensuring that it's kept up-to-date. Only residents that have completed a contact sheet will receive the 2019 Directory.
February 25, 2019
David Myres Vice President - Security 719 Last Arrow Drive 713.816.1148