October Happenings
We had two big events in the Thicket last month: our first National Night Out on October 1st and Halloween on October 31st.

Presentation of the Colors
National Night Out
Memorial Thicket's℠ First National Night Out event was held on Tuesday, October 1st. Approximately 75 persons attended with Houston Councilmember Julian Ramirez, officers from Precinct 5 Constable, a DPS trooper and a representative from Park Houston present. CIS provided the pizza and sno-cones were provided by Sherry Campbell/ Energy Realty and MTSA.
To see more photos from the event, click here (the password is "Richard"). (Sergesketter.Photography)

Some of the Crowd


The Littlest Constable Receiving Her Badge

So Many Great Costumes (and Poses)

Pirate on Shore Leave & Elf from Middle Earth
Angie Bouzerand and her crew of neighbors once again hosted their Annual Halloween Party at her home. Great costumes, conversation, pizza and drinks!
Then Jake Massel and Braxton Kirwan together with their crew hosted the Weeping Widow, which made port and berthed on Last Arrow. Pirates, treasure and ordnance combined for a fantastic audio visual display. To read more of the story and see a great video, go to ABC13.
To see more Halloween photos, click here (the password is "Pirate"). (Sergesketter.Photography) I believe you should be able to download images from the site. If you want any prints, I am happy to make them for you.

A Weeping Widow Full Broadside

Pirates & Bones Aboard the Weeping Widow
Greg Sergesketter
815 Elk Run Circle
November 6, 2024