We have scheduled a weekly recycling service to begin Tuesday November 5, 2019. This has been arranged through our trash collection vendor utilizing a separate collection vehicle that will come through the neighborhood on Tuesday each week. We have initiated this service for a two month trial period to determine the amount of participation for our neighborhood.
You may pick up a "recycle sticker" from the guard on duty at the guardhouse. To begin the service trial period you will need to provide your own "container" marked for recycling and the container will need to be visible from the street. If we move forward with the service at the beginning of the new year, Texas Pride will then provide a 32 gallon container to be used for recycling. We are beginning the service in this way to determine the cost effectiveness of the program for the entire neighborhood before financially committing to a full year of service.
Please contact any board member if you have any questions and please remember to obtain a sticker from the guard on duty.
Dave Buza President 807 Elk Run Circle 713-542-8620 November 3, 2019