Memorial Thicket Project To Resume This Week
Good morning all, PM Construction has mobilized back to complete sewer repairs and CIPP as of 6/6/2022. Attached is an outlined schedule and map provided by PM Construction on the construction schedule timeline and areas where repairs will be completed prior to CIPP. Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact me at 832-374-3331 or by email. Senior Inspector Mr. Joe Williams is onsite today and can be reached at 713-410-0821 with any concerns you may have. Thank you, Felicia Wallace Project Manager Houston Water | Wastewater Operations 832.395.6172 | Cell 832.374.3331 COH Sr. Inspector: Joe Williams COH Inspector: Roland Rainwater
Coming to Your Street!
This continuation of this project will affect most streets in our neighborhood. Most of the manholes are located in our front yards. For a few, the locations are in our backyards. Below is a map of the streets to be worked on. As we get updates we will pass them along. You can click on the button below to see where the sanitary sewer lines run in our neighborhood (the white circles represent manholes) and the remaining streets needing work. The Senior Inspector Joe Williams should be onsite daily to ensure the work is going as scheduled. If you have questions, please reach out to him directly or Felicia Wallace. Thank you for your patience as the City works to improve our sanitary sewer lines.
Brenda Holden President 731 Plainwood Dr.
June 6, 2022