Sanitary Sewer Replacement
What's Happening at the Front?
The Background On Monday morning a crew showed up hauling in equipment to start digging in our neighborhood. We tried to talk to the crew about what was happening, but at that point we only had a very rudimentary idea of what was going on. MTHA was not given any notice prior to the crew showing up. Within the hour, we talked to Councilmember Greg Travis. He was not aware of the project (generally before a project of this magnitude starts, the councilmember is made aware and there is a project meeting such as with the Old Stone Trail Lift Station). He put his Chief of Staff on the matter right away and we have been talking/emailing with her every day since as she is trying to glean information from Public Works (which has been agonizingly slow). We still don't have all the information we would like, but we also wanted to send out a newsletter. Only now do we believe we have a modicum of information to provide you. With that caveat, here we go. The Project The City of Houston has contracted to rehabilitate the sanitary sewer lines within Memorial Thicket. A "trenchless" rehabilitation method is to be used to minimize excavation. This will involve pipebursting and then installing new sewer pipe inside the existing sanitary sewer lines. Access points will generally be at the manholes. The information we have can be found in the notice. Click on the button below to see the notice.
Coming to Your Street!
This project will impact every street in our neighborhood. Most of the manholes are located in our front yards. For a few, the locations are in our backyards. This is not a simple project -- it will be ongoing for months. At this point we don't know the order or time of when different areas will be impacted. We do believe that the next phase will be heading south on Plainwood on the eastern side of the street. Click on the button below to see where the sanitary sewer lines run in our neighborhood. The white circles represent manholes.
Sanitary Sewer Replacement Survival Guide
In 2015, Toshi Mochizuki put together a PDF with photos and illustrations showing what is underground that helped each of us prepare for the AT&T contractors who were then doing cable installation on and near our property. This was based on his experiences and each property will have a different configuration. It is still pretty relevant for this project. Please click on the button below to access his guide. Thanks, Toshi!
Greg Sergesketter Director 815 Elk Run Circle 713.234.0604
August 19, 2021