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Short Update on the happenings in MT

Short update on the happenings in Memorial Thicket.

Recent weeks have seen increased construction activity. With most of the yards cleared, and many with full landscaping, the neighborhood is looking vibrant and rejuvenated. As of June 30th, we have 66 residents living in the Thicket and about 6 are expected to move in by end of July.

We are continuing to post 2 guards at night for extra security. The homeowners should have their lampposts on at night as per our rules.

Here is some important information that you should have, as you begin to move back to the neighborhood

Security Our new monitoring company is Smith Thompson Home Security. Call customer service at 713-492-1064 or 888-888-1695. Website, Please call them directly to set up an appointment to design a system to fit your requirement. When you call Smith Thompson, tell them you live in Memorial Thicket.  This will allow them to add you to the billing for MTHA. After activating your monitoring, please notify David Myres -VP Security at to be added on our monthly billing statement Smith Thompson has agreed to the following: Transmitter                    free, normally $89.00 Hardware                      15% discount Installation                    15% discount Monitoring                    paid by MTHA Smartphone Access     6.99/month, billed to homeowner Architectural Control Committee Guidelines

All changes for exterior of the home, including fences, mailboxes, lamppost, driveways and pools, must have approval from the ACC. You must send an email to the ACC giving the details and pictures prior to beginning any construction. They will get back to you as soon as possible and work with you. The ACC has been working diligently on our behalf to maintain the cohesiveness and aesthetics of Memorial Thicket. We all need to work together to rebuild the values in our neighborhood. ACC Committee: Mary Sergesketter: Greg Sergesketter Fred Plummer: Trash Service Our new trash company is Texas Pride. Since many of the homes are unoccupied, homeowners are required to opt in for trash pickup. If you require trash pickup at your house or are moving back to MT, please email Mary Sergesketter at least 1 Week in advance to be added to the list. The pickup days are Tuesdays and Fridays. There is no recycling yet.

Yard Maintenance The HOA guidelines require front yards to be weed and debris free. All trash, construction debris must be placed in containers. Homes that were in violation of DCCRs were sent a notice. The HOA will take action per our DCCRs.

Please continue to monitor and trim your yards every few weeks to keep it cleared. Summer months require regular cutting, We will be enforcing grass and landscaping requrements soon. Pools Maintenance The Houston summer is upon us, temperatures are rising and so is the insect and mosquito population. As responsible pool owners everyone should have at least drained and cleaned their pools after the flood.

Standing water can become ideal breeding grounds for mosquitos and cause serious health hazard.

Please check your pool because it affects all our health. Any violations can be reported to 311 or Environmental Health Dept. at 832.393.5100

Having an algae filled stagnant pool is a Violation of the City Code Ordinance

Here is the relevant portion of the City code: Sec. 43-5. - Residential pool or spa: minimum standards. No permit is required to operate a residential pool or spa. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the operator of a residential pool or spa shall: (1) Maintain the water clarity standards so that an eight-inch black disk on the residential pool or spa floor at its deepest point can be clearly seen by an observer standing on the deck at a point closest to the disk; (2) Maintain the water so as to prevent the breeding or harborage of insects; (3) Maintain the water free of any odor that is foul or offensive to a person of reasonable sensibilities; (4) Keep the water free of algae; and (5) Maintain and operate the residential pool or spa in a manner that ensures no danger to human health or welfare or hazard to the public health. (Ord. No. 2010-908, § 2(Exh. A), 11-17-2010, eff. 1-1-2011) The entire portion can be found at the following link Update on Louis Neely Thank you, Memorial Thicket for supporting the fundraiser for Louis Neely. The GoFundme page was a huge success. He had humbly requested for $3000 to meet his medical expenses and Memorial Thicket responded with love and generosity to raise $5300. In addition to that, many have mailed him checks directly and he is extremely grateful for that.

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